Are you planning to travel overseas? Here are some tips that will help you have a great time.



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PLAN AHEAD. Say you are in Madrid and you cannot wait to explore the city. You have no idea where you are going. Then, all of the sudden, you see a map of the city -but oh no, it is all in Spanish! It takes you 5 minutes to find a store that sells an English-Spanish dictionary, and then you try to translate everything into English, but you realize it is useless because there are not street names in the dictionary! You realize it is starting to get dark and you need to go back to the hotel. You take the wrong bus and have to walk in the rain to find your way back. Was there a way to prevent this? Yes, there was! You could have planned ahead. Before you go out on a great adventure, plan your route, find information about the places you would like to visit, and ask for advice from other people who have already been there.


FIND GREAT DEALS. Everywhere you go there is something I like to call “the tourist



trap.” Locals know that tourists are willing to pay big bucks for things. They inflate the prices of tours, souvenirs, and even food. Sometimes, there is nothing you can do about it, but other times there is something you can do. You can use websites like http://www.budgettravel.com/ to find great deals ahead of time. You can go to the less popular markets where prices are lower, or you could even try to bargain with the shopkeepers. As for tours, most places have information booklets or pamphlets for free, and if not, then research and be your own tour guide. By saving money on these things, you will have more money to spend on other  things.



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TRY TO BLEND IN. Do you imagine yourself in Paris, looking at the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and Notre Dame? Just think, there you are in your “I Love Paris” t-shirt, taking photos with your selfie-stick, and trying to remember those French classes that you barely passed. Could it be any more obvious that you are a tourist? Try to avoid being the type of tourist that everyone expects. Before leaving your home, brush up on your French, plan to visit small local cafes that are not on the main streets, and wear clothes that blend in with the local people. Be sure to pack lightly, and try to shop for food in local markets. If you stay in an apartment instead of hotel, you will be among other locals and if might even be cheaper. Next time you travel, try stepping into the shoes of the locals, and you may see the country in a different perspective.




Try New Things. While traveling, do not be afraid to try new things, because you may never have the opportunity again. You may actual enjoy eating something that looks gross! Do not refuse to go on an adventure, because it may just be the best adventure of your life. Come out of your comfort zone and just enjoy your experience.




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Remember Your Manners. You do not want to be tagged with having bad manners like these guys https://youtu.be/_6I5iWan77M . When planning your trip to a new country, look up the different customs and manners that you are expected to display. One of the worst things that you can do while traveling is  to offend the locals.  For more information about table manners around the world, go to http://yummy-planet.com/en/5-strange-table-manners-around-the-world .


 I hope that you remember these 5 things the next time you travel! Do you have any tips for traveling? If so, then comment below.


    • Hi Jacob,
      I am glad that I could teach you more about traveling. Portugal is a wonderful place. It you want to learn more about it, then check out some of my other blog posts. I cannot wait to check out your blog.

    • Hi Alejandra! I am glad that you thought that my post was helpful, and I hope that you can use these tips in the future. DO you have any other tips for travelers ?


  1. I feel like this would be really helpful to anyone who plans on traveling. One part that I can 100% agree with you on is the idea that you want to blend in with the locals. You can tell that the natives aren’t too keen on tourists and I bet they would really appreciate you trying to blend in. Where have you traveled to? Check out my blog iqraexe.edublogs.com

    • Hi Iqraabdi,
      I am glad that you found my post on travel. I do feel as though sometimes tourists do bother the natives, but it may also be exciting for them to share a part of their culture if someone is willing to listen. I have been to many places in the United States, Canada, Portugal, Germany (but only the airport, so it does not really count), England, Spain, Greece, Italy, Vatican City, and Gibralter.


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